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Lego Decal templates

I’ve just mocked up my first templates to start messing around with my characters faces and outfits. I’ve yet to buy some water slide decal paper so to begin with I’ll be printing this out on sticky backed paper.

The template for a Lego figure face and body can be found here…

Blunt Vaults: Football Memories

JustĀ  because it’s still the world cup here’s a touching but violently disturbing clip where, on finding a football, one man is revisited by memories of his father.

Removing Lego Decals

I’ve been looking into how to get rid of the decals already printed on the Lego people and have found the best thing to use is Brasso (below).

Give your Lego piece a quick rubbing with Brasso and the original decal should come off. I’m just popping out to buy some now to give it a go…

Lego Decals

To start working on my Lego movie I need to adapt some of my mini figures so they fit the characters I want them to play. Perhaps the best way to do this is by using decals. The easiest way is to use a template, print it and slap it on your minifigure. An improvement on this is using decal paper which has a better look.

Blunt Film Choice: Scary Stories

I’ve recently come across these short storiesĀ  that I’ve found quite compelling even though the video graphics are rather jarring. I do like a nice scary story…

Free Sound Effects: 23/06/10

Here are some free door sound effects courtesy of the Blunt Sound Vaults. Car doors, door buzzer, elevator door and a door closing… By the way all other free Blunt Sound Effects can be found there too.

Free Sound Effects 23/06/10

Blunt Vaults: Chef on the Go

Rejected pilot for a cookery show where TV chef Oscar Wellington goes round someone’s house and cooks whatever he can find. Contains violence, as usual.

Making Glengarry Glen Ross in Lego

I’ve decided to try and make Gengarry Glen Ross in Lego.

Here’s the scene I want to recreate…

Tomorrow I’ll be seeing what I’ve got and breaking down the scene into various shots.

Filming Lego: Brick Films

There are loads of Lego films up on Youtube but here’s a great website that is specifically dedicated to just films made with Lego. Brick Films not only has brought together a lot of Lego shorts but also gives you tips on how to film your Lego and what is the best equipment to use.

More custom Lego figures

Check out this fantastic lego website where they have customized and sell various figures from rock & pop and film & Tv.


I also came across a lot of zombie lego figures including a whole diarama of zombie hoards attacking a Lego city. Fantastic!

And here’s a short lego film with a zombie infection sweeping through Lego Town