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More custom Lego figures

Check out this fantastic lego website where they have customized and sell various figures from rock & pop and film & Tv.


I also came across a lot of zombie lego figures including a whole diarama of zombie hoards attacking a Lego city. Fantastic!

And here’s a short lego film with a zombie infection sweeping through Lego Town

New Lego figures

Finding the right characters for your Lego movie can be a bit of a task. It’s easy to make a Lego Star Wars, Harry Potter or Indiana Jones short because fortunately Lego make sets for all of those franchises. It becomes harder if you choose to make a film for which there are no Lego characters already designed. Lego themselves do a wide variety of different figures having just brought out a range called Minifigures (which includes a zombie).

If you can’t find what you’re looking for swapping character parts around may yield some reasonable results but some people have taken it one step further by giving the figures a complete overhaul. Take a look at the Ozzy Osbourne figure below.

if you’re interested in seeing more customised figures check out the following site: http://www.customminifig.co.uk where I also found this example of a Cylon…

More minifigures tomorrow.

Blunt Goes lego crazy

Over the next few days we are going lego crazy as Golf Thewlis looks at the wonders of using Lego as an animating medium.

Blunt Film Pick: Lego Star Wars – Killing Darth Vader

I’ve been looking at lego animation recently. Here’s a quick one to start off with.

Here’s another quite well known one. Very funny though.