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Demon Effect

Like the Ghost in the Mirror effect there is a whole wave of these demonic shorts. And when I say short I mean short (most last only 10 seconds). In preparation for our own ‘How to…’ Blunt film I’ve picked three at random to give you a flavour of what’s out there. Be aware that most of these vids have somebody looking into the camera in a dozy way, hamming up the ‘I know something you don’t’ or the ‘I have no idea what’s about to happen’ quality.

Andrews Demon Face Warp Screaming

Andrew approaches the camera as if it’s the first time he has ever seen one and then breaks into his scream. The overall effect is not bad but a little bit too exaggerated.

Scary Movie

This film has a girl with pigtails embarrassingly trying to look cute before she suddenly flashes us her witch face (that’s not a euphemism). Unlike most of the other Demon vids the scary face is not so extreme and all the more scary for it. Shame about the acting.

Scariest Demon Face Ever!

This video at least tries to incorporate the demon faces into some kind of storyline as a couple of kids try to frighten another by pulling scary faces. Unfortunately the faces aren’t that horrific and I don’t like the way the camera zooms in as the face morphs and then back out again as they change back to normal. This film is slightly embarrassing too. There is a trilogy of these scariest faces films and the last one has some pretty good Demons in.

Coming soon more film making tips from Blunt Productions.